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Parse and write GuitarPro and MIDI files

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PhpTabs basics

PhpTabs basics are the read, write, convert, export, import and render operations.

This document describes the best ways to use these tools.

Table of contents

Instanciate a PhpTabs

PhpTabs can read file types:

A read operation involves reading and parsing the entire file.

All elements are represented in the internal data model.

A read operation is automatically made when instanciating a PhpTabs object.


// A read operation is made
$tab = new PhpTabs('mytabs.gp4');

Since PhpTabs >= 0.6.0, there is an IOFactory to read a tabs from various file types and formats.

use PhpTabs\IOFactory;

// Since PhpTabs >= 0.6.0, fromFile() automatically detects file types
$tab = IOFactory::fromFile('mytabs.gp4');

// Force file type to serialized
$tab = IOFactory::fromFile('mytabs.dat', 'ser');

// Try to read a JSON file
$tab = IOFactory::fromJsonFile('mytabs.json');

// Try to read a serialized file
$tab = IOFactory::fromSerializedFile('mytabs.dat');

// Try to read a serialized string
$tab = IOFactory::fromSerialized($serializedString);

// Try to read a JSON string
$tab = IOFactory::fromJson($jsonString);

// Try to read a PHP array
$tab = IOFactory::fromArray($array);

After a read operation, the instance is containing the entire song.

For more informations about reading files and strings read the IOFactory methods.

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Save to a file

A PhpTabs instance is containing all data.

It’s possible to save this data to the disk or to the buffer with the save() method.


// Instanciating
$tab = new PhpTabs('mytabs.gp4');

// Saving to the buffer with the default format
echo $tab->save();

// Saving to the disk

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When saving data, an implicit conversion is made if needed.


// Instanciating
$tab = new PhpTabs('mytabs.gp4');

// Converts and save with gp5 format
echo $tab->save('mytabs.gp5');

Printing data to the buffer with another format is possible with an explicit conversion.


// Instanciate a gp4 file
$tab = new PhpTabs('mytabs.gp4');

// Explicit conversion and print with gp5 format
echo $tab->convert('gp5');


Available file formats are .gp3, .gp4, .gp5, .mid and .midi.

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Export data

Export operation are made to put all internal data to a machine readable format (XML, JSON, YML, PHP array).

It’s useful to transport data and make some debug, some caching, etc…

After data has been exported, it’s possible to import it with import methods.


Type string|array

Parameter string $format

Exports are made to visualize the internal music-tree or to communicate with a third-party application.

Following formats are allowed:

Parameter Type Description
array array a raw PHP array
xml string an XML string
json string a JSON string
var_export string a raw PHP array as string
serialize string a PHP serialized
text string a non standardized text
txt string same as text
yaml string a YAML representation
yml string same as yaml

$tab = new PhpTabs('mytabs.gp4');

// Get as a PHP array
$data = $tab->export();
$data = $tab->export('array');

// Get as an XML string
echo $tab->export('xml');

// Get as a JSON string
echo $tab->export('json');

// Get as a YAML string
echo $tab->export('yml');
echo $tab->export('yaml');

// Export content into a file as XML

exportTrack($trackIndex, $format)

Type string|array

Parameter int $trackIndex

Parameter string $format

You can build a high-performance cache in exporting big tablatures track-by-track as JSON files.

So, when you will need to read a particular track, you only have to load the data for this track, without loosing global song informations.

$tab = new PhpTabs('mytabs.gp4');

// Export all tracks, one-by-one as JSON files
for ($i = 0; $i < $tab->countTracks(); $i++) {
    'mytabs-track' . $i . '.json',
    $tab->exportTrack($i, 'json')

// Now you can read a particular track
$tab = (new PhpTabs())->fromJson('mytabs-track1.json'); // Second track

// Global song information has been kept
echo $tab->getName();

// Read track information as a single-track song
echo $tab->getTrack(0)->getName(); // Print the track name

It can be even faster:

Here is a simple usage:

// Memcache instance
$memcache = new Memcache;
$memcache->connect('localhost', 11211);

// Export data to Memcache
  $tabs->exportTrack(0) // Export only the first track

// Load a particular track from a memcache entry
$tabs = (new PhpTabs())->import(

// Global song information has been kept
echo $tabs->getName();

// Read track information as a single-track song
echo $tabs->getTrack(0)->getName(); // Print the track name

// Render as a vextab string
echo $tabs->getRenderer('vextab')->render(0);

This way is recommended when you have to deal with web constraints.

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Import data

Importing data can be faster than parsing a big Guitar Pro file.

Especially when you have exported a song track-by-track.

Import($data) method

Type \PhpTabs\Phptabs

Parameter array $data

// Prepare a tabs to export
$tab = new PhpTabs('mytabs.gp4');

// Export data as a PHP array
$data = $tab->export();

$importedTab = (new Phptabs())->import($data);

// Imported tabs is a new PhpTabs instance with all informations
// that initial $tab contained.

echo $importedTab->getName(); // Would be the same as $tab->getName()

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fromJson($filename) method

Type \PhpTabs\Phptabs

Parameter string $filename

Sometimes, you need to load some data from a JSON file.

fromJson() is a shortcut method to load a tablature from previously exported data with a JSON format (ie: $tabs->export('json')).

It accepts a filename as parameter and returns a PhpTabs instance.

$tabs = (new Phptabs())->fromJson('mytabs.json');

echo $tabs->getName();

^ Table of contents

fromSerialized($filename) method

Type \PhpTabs\Phptabs

Parameter string $filename

Sometimes, you need to load some data from a PHP serialized file.

fromSerialized() is a shortcut method to load a tablature from previously exported data with a PHP serialized format (ie: $tabs->export('serialize')).

It accepts a filename as parameter and returns a PhpTabs instance.

$tabs = (new Phptabs())->fromSerialized('mytabs.ser');

echo $tabs->getName();

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Rendering is made in 2 steps:

  1. Get a specific renderer with getRenderer($type)

    Following renderer types are allowed:

    Parameter Type Description
    vextab string A vextab string
    ascii string An ASCII tablature
  2. Render as string with render() method


First, create a renderer instance. Then, render all tracks.

$tab = new PhpTabs('mytabs.gp4');

// Get a vextab renderer
$renderer = $tab->getRenderer('vextab');

// Render all tracks one-by-one
for ($i = 0; $i < $tab->countTracks(); $i++) {

  echo $renderer->render($i);


It’s easy to make the same thing with one line.

$tab = new PhpTabs('mytabs.gp4');

// Render all tracks one-by-one
for ($i = 0; $i < $tab->countTracks(); $i++) {

  echo $tab


If you need to render only the first track:

$tab = new PhpTabs('mytabs.gp4');

// Render the first track
echo $tab

See another example of the VexTab renderer

See dedicated manual for the ASCII renderer

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Component schema

Component roles

With the internal model, you can easily convert files from one type to another.

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Starting from one point, you can find your way with the Music-Object-Model reference.

Traversing data is made by getter/setter/counter methods.

A traversal is done in read-write mode

Getter/setter/counter rules

There are 4 rules for getter names:

  1. get + {objectName} + ()

    It’s a property getter method. ie: there can be only one Tempo per MeasureHeader, so the method name to get the tempo for a given measure is $header->getTempo().

  2. count + {objectName} + s()

    It’s a child nodes counter method. ie: there can be several measures per Track, so the method name to count them is $track->countMeasures().

  3. get + {objectName} + s()

    It’s a child-nodes getter method, it returns an array with all child-nodes. ie: there can be several measures per Track, so the method name to get them is $track->getMeasures().

  4. get + {objectName} + ($index)

    It’s a child-node getter by index, it returns one child resource. $index is starting from 0 to n-1, with n=child count (returned by the counter method) ie: there can be several measures per Track, so the method name to get one measure(the first) is $track->getMeasure(0).

When in doubt, reference should be made to the Music-Object-Model reference.

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Traversing, a naive example

In the following example, all notes will be printed.

$tab = new PhpTabs('mytab.gp4');

# Get all tracks
foreach ($tab->getTracks() as $track)
  # Get all measures
  foreach ($track->getMeasures() as $measure)
    # Get all beats
    foreach ($measure->getBeats() as $beat)
      # Get all voices
      foreach ($beat->getVoices() as $voice)
        # Get all notes
        foreach ($voice->getNotes() as $note)

 * Print all referential
 * @param \PhpTabs\Music\Note $note
function printNote($note)
  echo sprintf(
    "\nTrack %d - Measure %d - Beat %d - Voice %d - Note %s/%s",

will output something like

Track 1 - Measure 1 - Beat 6240 - Voice 0 - Note 11/3
Track 1 - Measure 1 - Beat 6480 - Voice 0 - Note 0/2


Track 2 - Measure 1 - Beat 960 - Voice 0 - Note 5/2
Track 2 - Measure 1 - Beat 1920 - Voice 0 - Note 5/2
Track 2 - Measure 1 - Beat 2880 - Voice 0 - Note 5/2
Track 2 - Measure 1 - Beat 3840 - Voice 0 - Note 5/2


All referential can be accessed starting from a note.

This example does not take into account some aspects of the referential such as rest beats, durations, dead notes, note effects and chord beats.

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